
1. i am making 3, 2 minute tutorial videos. 2. i have to get en editing software downloaded on me ps4 and edit the videos down to 2 minutes a piece.  3. i will upload my videos onto youtube. 4. i have to record the videos and edit them since  already have the ideas.
1. my specific next step is to figure out how to create and edit videos that i will be making. 2. i will be making 3 video tutorials on fortnite. 1. building, 2. editing, 3. fighting. 3. to keep my momentum going this weekend i will start to record clips for my video and maybe start voice  overs for the clips.
1. i am going to make fortnite tutorial videos to help people that are bad at the game get better. 2. my next step will be to think about what type of videos i will make along with how many and how long they will be. 3. i will want to have my video topics chosen and i will want to know how many o them i want to make, along with how long they will be
1. ESFJ - extraverted, sensing, feeling, judging, 2.    ESFJs enjoy being in charge.       ESFJs are easily wounded.       ESFJs are generous entertainers. 3. Disagree, because usually i don't like being in charge  4. S ocial work, service-oriented professions, and teaching at schools   5. usually people with this type like to connect what they are learning about to real life             application. and situations where they'd use it. 6.  Terry Bradshaw (NFL quarterback)      Nancy Kerrigan (U.S. olympic figureskater)      Elvis Stojko (Canadian olympic figureskater)